Database Management Instructions

GDHL Database Documentation


The GDHL database is built to show race results for the GDHL and other Craigleith adult racing events. Conceptually, it consists of leagues, seasons, races and racers. Each racer is enrolled in a season, and linked to results in races (which are in turn linked to seasons), so that racers can compare results across different seasons.

To get started, a new league and/or season needs to be created. Then racers are added to the season (optionally with teams). Then as the season progresses, race results get added. Full details on how to do these tasks follows.

Logging in to the Database Management Page

  1. Go to in your browser. If you are using Internet Explorer, you may need to go to, but all other steps should remain the same. Google Chrome or Safari are recommended if possible.
  2. Log in with the username and password provided to you.

Creating a New Season or League

Adding a new season

  1. Click the Add Season or Add League tab.
  2. If adding a season to an existing league, from the drop down, select the league to add a new season to (i.e. GDHL). Otherwise type the name of the new league in the league field.
  3. Enter the year in the season field.
  4. Enter the number of runs per race (default is 2).
  5. Choose a scoring mode. A scoring mode enables points and teams. Currently the options are None or GDHL. If GDHL scoring rules change, new options will be added as appropriate.
  6. Click Add.

Entering Racers

Database matches when adding racers

  1. Select the League and Season from the drop downs on the Add Racers tab.
  2. Copy the new racer data from Excel or elsewhere. It should be tab or comma separated with the following data in order: Bib Number, Last Name, First Name, Sex (either M or F), and if the season is scored, Ranking, and Team. Team can be left blank for independent racers.
  3. Click the Process button. The entered data gets checked against existing names in the database (from past seasons). If all the entries are new or existing racers, and the data is formatted properly, it will be saved to the database. If invalid lines are detected, they will be printed at the bottom of the screen.

    If any potential matches with the database are detected, options will be presented to resolve the conflicts. You can choose either the original input, or one of several possible matches in the database.

  4. Once every potential match has been resolved, click the Process Choices button, which will save the racers to the database.


Adding Race Results


  1. Select the League and Season from the drop downs on the Upload Race Results tab.
  2. Enter in the date (in YYYY-MM-DD format) of the race, the hill on which it took place, and the discipline.
  3. Copy the results into the space provided, in tab or comma separated format (copying from Excel should produce that). The proper format is: Bib Number, Last Name, First Name, Time 1, Time 2, Best Time. For single-run races, only the first time is required.
    Times can be entered as times, or "DNS", "DNF", "DSQ". A blank time will be recorded as a DNS.
     Note: while both names and bib numbers are currently required for results, only the bib number is used to match the results to the proper racer.
  4. Click the Process button. The formatting will be checked, and if no errors were detected, the results get added to the database.
    If there are any errors, they will be presented with the option to cancel the process and make edits, or discard the invalid lines and add the results to the database.