Dual Slalom weekend is here! BLE Voting is here! The crowds are here!
In This Newsletter:
Race #6 - Slalom - Presented by Raymond James
-from the desk of Carrie G.L.
With our second lowest number of starters (131) this year, everyone soared down the big, bad, terrifying, L'il Jon (Yeah!) for our last slalom race of the season! Some racers had huge sighs of relief, others grumbling that they are slalom specialists and would like 7 slalom races next year. It was a beautiful day, the birds were chirping, the sun was out, it was the afternoon of the athletic fundraiser, the GDHL was racing and Chris Knight was giving out drink tickets. A Saturday couldn't get much better.
We started off hot with GDHL's own Fabulous Foxes - Debbie Gust, Sam Callow, Susie Raymond and Kate Veer to set the pace for everyone.
The purchased bib 10 came down which was none other than the 'funnest' Bruce brother, Fraser, who was apparently strutting around the finish for quite some time knowing he was in the hot seat. Sadly, little brother Gordie beat him in the overall.
It was a rather disappointing showing from our 'distinguished gentlemen' category (65+). Only 6 of the 17 decided to show up this weekend. Rob Burnes showed that he is starting to (finally) take the GDHL a little seriously as he was dawning a new pair of denim purchased from Mark's that very morning. Jamie Coulter lost a shoe in the first run and then quickly discovered that his binding had somehow moved? Is someone sabotaging his skis at the start? Thankfully a screwdriver was found and his binding was fixed so he could have a 2nd run.
With Meg Ryley home sick for the weekend and this writer not participating in slalom anymore, it was a clear runway for any of the 36-45 year old women to dominate that category. Jenn Price - self proclaimed slalom specialist - nudged out lifelong rival, Lesley White, by a fingernail (.02)! Chloe Berry, Carrie Laurencelle and Catherine Jones are showing that their training is really paying off this season. Well done ladies!
In the men's 'hey where is Carrie and the water bottle race' aka bibs 65-107, Jon Poulbiec made a triumphant return after injuring himself in the 3rd race of the season on Comet and was showing pictures of his battle bruises to anyone who asked. He beat out Andrew Ottaway! Gasp! There are rumors that Andrew was found in the woods afterwards sitting silently staring at a tree because he was so angry.
Ryan Taylor shaved over a second off of his second run - but was also seen doing push ups and squats between runs while simultaneously icing his knees, hips and shoulders. David Singh, Jordan White, Stephen Cavanagh and 'attack from the back' Quinn Richardson also made huge gains on their second runs. Jon Price's wife, Jenn, has been inching ever closer to him and for the first time ever, she beat Jon. Multiple people have been over to the Price residence this week to support Jon as he listens to REM's 'Everybody Hurts' on repeat. I heard both Paul Peterson and Sarunas Lenauskas, who knows the feeling of finishing below your wife all too well, have been consoling him and are starting a support group.
In the hotly contested Ottaway and Dyson brother race - those were won by Andrew and Peter respectively - only because their counterparts were vacationing. Ed 'The Eagle' Barnicke has now officially changed his name to just 'The Eagle'. This lead to much confusion for the starter and the voice of Craigleith, Bill Barclay, in the finish hut, but much like The Rock, The Eagle is now official.
Paul Peterson somehow had the worst time differential of the entire race between his 1st and 2nd run, managing to add over 2 seconds. That 2026 Olympic team debut may have to be pushed out to 2030.
Trevor Currie and Jason Turnpenny both had solid first runs and improved for run #2 - that rivalry has been hot all season. Trevors got 1 more race to make up 14 points. Steve Cryer - who is supposed to one day write one of these newsletters - decided that on his first run, he would ski the first 4 gates, lose a ski, slide over and down a few more gates, lose another ski and then do a less than acrobatic backwards somersault. He then looked up the hill for the snow snake that caught him. Sadly, no snow snake was present, so he hung his head in shame gathering his equipment that was scattered everywhere.
Lindsay Brazill and Ciara Gaffney battled it out and were neck in neck - Maddy Staples was the most consistent skier with the exact same time both runs. That group of 20-35 year old ladies, squished at the back, have so much fun and support each other so much, it's really great to see. I also see a new Molly rivalry brewing - between Molly MacDonald and Molly Brenzel. We'll need to keep an eye on this one.
Sandbagger Pete Valin almost beat out Brent Addison, Andrew Athey and Matt Brenzel - those guys all took go juice at the start. That might get Pete that .10 he's looking for.
Joey Hill - or Jockey Hill, as he shall be called in this newsletter, showed up in full jockey gear - riding helmet included. Sadly, due to safety rules, he had to abandon his riding helmet for a ski helmet - it wouldn't really matter in the end though, as he only made it down 4 gates.
The best story of the weekend - Jack Boyman - finally showed up for his first race of the season! *golf claps* And on his Bachelor Party weekend! You might have seen a group of 20 or so guys skiing around Saturday. Well that was Jack's crew here to support him in his debut race - 6 races into a 7 race season. Clearly the support, videographer and mouthful of fire juice helped, as he successfully made it down to the bottom to a cheering crowd who carried him off to the bar.
The top guys came down the first run to an astounding crowd and cheers, you would have thought you were at a World Cup event. Williams and Welton came down only 0.3 seconds apart from one another. Ben thought he might have had a podium spot until Scott Barrett came down bib 187 and was the first person to break 19 seconds, with a 19.72. There was fist pumping, dancing and then Scott realized there was one skier left. He held his breath a whole 19.83 seconds while Griff ripped through the course. Scott thought he finally had the most coveted win of his career - a 1st place in a GDHL slalom on Little John! He started looking for the champagne to spray and then saw Ben, Mike and Griff head back to the top for a 2nd run. Scott was deflated and knew he only had 30 minutes to devise a new strategy of attack.
Ben was first to go for this ruthless group - he pulled out a 19.97.... then Mike tore the course apart with a 19.38...pulverising Scott's first run time and potentially his holy grail. Both Griff and Scott tried their best and were able to bettered their first run times, but alas, it wasn't enough. Mike Welton and Griffin Copp finished 1, 2 and with Scott in 3rd, crushing Scott's dreams last Saturday on Craigleith's very own field of dreams. Skiing is such a merciless sport.
Great race everyone! Get ready for the DUAL SLALOM this Saturday, again on Little John!
Special thank you to our sponsors! You’ve helped make this a successful year, and we appreciate all your support!
Sutherland Insurance
Lysander Funds
Raymond James
Erinwood Ford
Blake Farrow Project
Sidelaunch Brewing
Squire John’s
Nicholas Peace Wines
Spy Cider
Dual Slalom - Presented By Lysander Funds
This weekend sees the return of the Dual Slalom on ‘Lil John. It’s time to put on a show for a packed-Long-Weekend-Craigleith. (That’s a subtle reminder to anticipate lift lines this weekend!)
The format for this year’s dual will mirror the 2024 version. Some notes:
You will start against the racer with the closest bib to you at the top of the course. (#1 vs #2, #3 vs #4, etc.) If we are missing numbers, you will be assigned by a GDHL Committee Member to the next closest racer.
We will be using our dual slalom start gates, purchased with the assistance of the GDHL in 2022
Each racer will have a run in the Blue and the Red course
Combined time determines your finish placing for the standings
If you do not finish one of the runs, your total time will be your other run’s time with a penalty applied.
If you do not finish both runs, you will be scored a DNF
Due to time constraints, we will not have time for more than two runs.
No need for full slalom gear, though some may prefer the added protection
ROOKIES: Check out this video.
End Of Year Event
Well - that super bowl was a disappointment, however our year end awards party will look like the streets of Philadelphia's after party.
There aren't many tickets left (less than 30). Fun fact - Riley Keast 'said' he got a ticket for the banquet, but I have my doubts. Someone check in on him, just in case.
If you don't have your ticket yet... there is not much time left to grab it. Your favorite GDHL committee member won't be able to help you and that might mean you will win all the awards.
As a reminder:
The GDHL Awards Party will be in the South Lodge.
Rumor has it (well, it's fact) that Miley, Dave MacDonald & Paul Smith have booked the wrecking ball for April 1st - so this is our last bash!
Come prepared to laugh, potentially leave with some hardwear, find out who the big cheese is, who will be thrown under the bus and who will hoist the big trophy!
The important info:
What: GDHL Awards Party
When: Saturday, March 1 - 6:30pm until you can no longer dance or we make you leave around midnight-ish
Who: GDHL racers, spouses, families, team owners, friends and fans (so pretty much anyone 19+)
Where: South Lodge
Get ready to dance and sing with 'Friends from Work'
Have some last minute competitions with your rivals in the games area.
Feast on a plethora of appetizers, a pig roast, late night pizza, Craig's cookies and a candy table!
Stay hydrated with beer, wine, sparkly, cider, ready to drinks, bar rail and non-alcoholic drinks!
All included for the very tantalizing price of $70
Ski Cross Club Championships
From Dave Campbell, Head of Alpine Programs:
Saturday afternoon is the first annual adult Ski Cross Club Champs. All GDHL Participants are automatically registered. Anyone not in the GDHL that would like to race will need to register on the Club Calendar before 3:00 pm on Thursday February 13th.
Bib Pick up: Depot Lobby (this is not your GDHL bib, you will get a different bib for this race) 8:30am-12:00pm
Race Hill: Bowie Cross Track
Inspection: 12:00 pm to 12:45 pm (Mandatory Inspection for all racers)
Race time: 1:15 pm (order is by age and gender – like our regular racing Club Championships)
Format: single run – time trial format (only one at a time in the course – fastest time wins)
Awards: Awards will be included with the GS and SL Awards on Sunday March 2nd on the Depot Lodge Deck
Message from Glenn Blaylock, Head Coach, Adult Race Programs
We will be training Panelled Slalom this Friday, February 14th.
Date: Friday, Feb. 14 (remember to bring your coaches a Valentine…)
Time: 9:30 to 11:30 am / 12:30 to 2:30 pm
Hill: Zipper
Discipline: Panelled Slalom
Equipment: Slalom Skis, Forearm guards and padded suit if available. If clearing gates with both hands, slalom hand guards are recommended.
Coaches: Glenn Blaylock, Al LaChance, Eugene Jacta
Coach’s Tips: When racing Dual Panelled Slalom decide before the race if you will clear the gates with your inside arm or with both hands. Have an explosive start and practice the action of grabbing your poles after releasing the start handles, as it is common for racers to struggle with gripping their poles after the start.
Learn how to race Dual Slalom in this Module: https://alpineracemethod.com/dual-slalom-1
Thank you for slipping the course and helping the coaches remove the race gates at the end of the training session.
Ski with Purpose
Special Member Meeting - Base Lodge Expansion
You made it to the end! What would a winter email be without mention of the BLE?
A reminder that the Special Member Meeting regarding the BLE starts on Sunday at 4pm in the Depot.
Voting on the proposal opens online directly after the meeting, and is open until February 23rd. Info can be found here.