This past weekend was a chilly one! With temperatures on both days in and around -20 Celsius, the only challenge to skiing was keeping your face and extremities warm. We had no race and so it became an optional ski weekend for a few of us. The brave InterClubbers travelled over to our neighbour, Alpine for their second race of the season. Read James Mather’s review of the InterClub team’s performance last week and on the season. You’ll also find a detailed description of our Mid-Season event, both on hill and après. Most importantly, there is a link to instructions for participating in this weekend’s Super G, which every racer needs to review and heed.
The Super G Race - Sunday, January 27, 1 PM - Landslide
The Annual Super G race is on tap for this Sunday, January 27th, at 1 pm. The race will take place on Landslide, beginning at the top of the Millennium Chair, just as it has in recent years past. GDHLers are expected to roll the B-Netting (stuff that keeps you out of the forest when you fall) at the end of the race to help speed up take down.
For the entire set of rules, please click here. Below are the three generic rules each racer must follow to qualify to race. They are as follows:
Each racer must inspect the course during the posted inspection time, and sign in with their bib number to the responsible Coyote at the top of the course
Inspection will open at 12 10 and close at 12 40, but you must begin your inspection before 12 30 – don’t be late
Each racer must have a hard eared helmet for their race
Each racer must have appropriate Super G safety equipment including: no faceguard on the helmet, no slalom guards on the poles, pole baskets on both poles
This is always a spectacular race and you can expect nothing less this year!
The 2018 Super G was won by Joel Charron - Will he defend the title in 2019?
Mid Season Event - Details Here!
Hello GDHLers and fans... Carrie here, keep reading. I swear, it’s good.
So you’ve been hearing about this ‘mid season event’ on Saturday, February 2.
What is it? What are we doing?
So we’ll start with the main reason for having a mid season event. People are on teams, but do we ever meet the people on your said team other than when Mary and Rip auction you off at the Calcutta or if you happen to be the winning team? So we thought... let’s do something team based - exhibition event - not part of the regular season - still competitive - but for fun!
So the GDHL committee though - ‘what’s more fun than doing a team dual and then doing a BYOB Apres in the North lodge?’
WHEN: Saturday, February 2, 1:30pm
WHERE: Comet
Each team will have 4 skiers race in the dual (32 skiers total). It will be a 1 run elimination. The racer and team standing at the end - wins all the marbles! Note: the GDHL committee will not be supplying any marbles and there will be no marbles on site to win (unless someone’s kid happens to have them in their pocket).
The super TD, Peter Dyson has worked with us to make this as close to FIS regulation as we can get and will be running the race.
How will you know what team to cheer for? Each team will have T-shirt’s of a different colour. Make sure all your racers have picked up your T-shirt’s from Julie at 12:30pm in the North.
What does the rest of the team do? Bring your cowbell, pom poms, create a cheer, listen to some tunes and watch the battle ensue.
Individual racers: Sorry about your luck this year. Sign up earlier (you know who you are) or change your mind and be on a team next year!
Now the good stuff...... we’re kicking it old school.
The BYOB Après Ski in the North Lodge
Let’s clarify 3 things:
BYOB -Bring Your Own Beer (or wine, etc)
Apres Ski - Social activity after a day of skiing where you wear your ski clothing and boots. People who shower and show up in jeans will be mocked.
Do you have to be a part of the GDHL to attend? NO! Anybody can join in the fun, just remind them to bring their own cocktails
The details: Let your Craigleith bar bill take a rest this weekend. Bring your beverages for Après to the North. There will be no bar there so if you forget your booze... you’ll be running to Mac’s/Circle K. Don’t forget your cork screws, bottle openers and cups!
After the race we will roll into the north and start the party. We’ll have fondu, charcuterie, poutine and some classic apres tunes by the amazing band, NOT OTTAWA. Make sure your ski boots are dance ready.
We’ll also have a quick awards ceremony for the Team and Racer who wins the imaginary marbles (read: shot).
Hope to see everybody out there cheering on your team and Apresing.
Please take home all your empties and clean up after yourselves.
Cabs and the shuttle will be provided from 4:30pm-6:30pm.
Craigleith InterClub Team Update
The Craigleith InterClub team has an exceptional track record, winning multiple interclub adult race league titles, and this year they are doing nothing different. The team is on pace for a great year, and James Mathers has contributed below:
The Interclub race season is off to a great start for Craigleith. The first race at Devil's Glen saw Ben Williams, Duff Isberg and Trevor Jackson sweep the overall podium and Samantha Higgins and Ali Banfield finish first and third among all women. Trent Winstone and Samantha Higgins won the special MVP prizes as highest point scorers among all age groups. Other Craigleith age group winners were Anne Mathers, Leslie Sims, Jeff Sutherland and Greg Cavers, and Craigleith's team took the overall win by 29 points.
The second race was held at Alpine last Saturday. Ben Williams was again the fastest overall and Mackenzie Irwin was the fastest woman. Anne Mathers, Leslie Sims, Allan LaChance, Jeff Sutherland, Greg Cavers and Taylor Simms-Brown all won their age groups and Craigleith won the day overall by 20 points, thanks to more strong results of many others.
Craigleith is well on the way to an eighth straight Interclub season's championship, which will be decided at the finals to be held at Craigleith on 23 February. Part of the team's strategy is to have as many racers as possible qualified to be in the final by participating in two of the four regular season races. It's not too late to join the fun, although competition for places can be tough! The next races are at Jozo Weider (Blue Mountain) on 2 February at 10 am and at the Peaks on 9 February at 1 pm. Contact Taylor Simms-Brown if you're interested.
Big message, and lots to take in. Remember to heed the rules of the Super G on Sunday and have a great race! See you on the slopes!