Good morning GDHL’ers! On Sunday we completed our first GDHL sanctioned race since the end of our 2020 season and boy did it feel great! Big John has become the traditional place for our inaugural race of the season, so it was right that we started this season the same way. With that being said, a big welcome back to all racers and spectators! We have missed you.
Also, thank you for sifting through the quantity of emails being sent out by the GDHL committee over the past few weeks. Just like racers are shaking off the rust, getting back into the courses, so too is the GDHL communications lead in getting information across to everyone in timely, efficient manner.
Onto a very dense newsletter, with a lot to cover! Here are some things that detailed below. The mandatory sub-heading to read is the race rules for Saturday’s Modified GS race down Landslide.
Saturday’s Modified GS – Including Mandatory & Unique Rules
Sunday’s Slalom Race
Message from our Head Coach of Adult Race Programming, Glenn Blaylock
Wrap up of Sunday’s GS Race on Big John
Race Schedule
Fantasy GDHL Update
Modified GS Down Landslide - Saturday, January 15th @ 1PM
This Saturday is our super-fast, super-fun, “Modified GS” race down Landslide. We start at the very top, where often only snowshoers appear, and race down The Edge (yes, that is a marked trail name) and onto the pitch and flats of Landslide. Here is a great video showing the starting point to the top of Landslide for anyone needing a reference.
We will optimally each get two runs, in numerical bib order, but be prepared for notice of only one run being completed.
With this fun race, come additional rules for participants which are:
Inspection is mandatory
Every racer will be checked in at the top of the course by a Coyote. Any bib number not checked off on the inspection list, will not be allowed to race the course
Inspection begins at Noon sharp and closes at 12 30. Best to aim to be there before it opens at Noon.
Inspect slowly, and do not turn through the course.
Equipment is heavily scrutinized
Hard eared helmets are required for your safety
Both ski poles must have securely fixed baskets
Downhill Suits are allowed, and advised, but not mandatory
Race details are a bit different
This is a long racecourse, and will be managed differently than a regular GS, pay attention to the Coyotes at the top, on course, and at the bottom
There is a possibility that you will be flagged down by a Coyote while skiing. If you are flagged down, stop, you will get a re-run. This is for your safety and for the safety of everyone else
This race is run exceptionally well by the Coyotes, race crew and Club, respect everyone and the course.
Tidy up time after the race
At the conclusion of the race, every GDHL’er is required and expected to help roll the B netting through the bottom portion of the course.
Many hands make light work, so bring in your children to help, they have young backs, and it is a good learning experience. Look to a Coyote to point you in the right direction of which fence to take out. As of Thursday morning, the request is to take out the bottom half, from the base of the Landslide pitch, through to the finish.
Now that the details are out of the way, we can focus on the fun we are about to have! Saturday weather forecast is for -17 degrees Celsius, so be ready to sing your favorite Elsa line from Frozen while in your skin suit up top. Any other year, a few of us might consider finding something warmer to do on a sunny Saturday, but there is no doubt we are all thankful to get out on the racecourse, regardless of how numb our extremities are. On that note, who won the heated socks in the silent auction? Those would come in handy this weekend!
Slalom Comet, Sunday, January 16th @ 1PM
Thankfully, the cold snap that will grace us on Saturday, quickly leaves town and Sunday is forecasted to be a balmy -6 degrees. It is great to be back on the race hill, but for those who have yet to make net 50 turns this season, the 50 slalom turns down Comet will be a workout like nothing we can remember.
You may opt to wear a downhill suit on your lower half, while wearing slalom shorts, in an effort to avoid getting gate marks on your pretty, new Kjus ski pants. You will still be required to wear a sweater, or jacket on your top half.
Announcement from our Head Coach of Adult Racing, Glenn Blaylock
Friday Training will be divided into two sessions.
Morning: GS Skis, meet TOP of National Chair at 9:30 am
Afternoon: Slalom with protective equipment. Meet skiers right on Comet at 12:30 pm
Friday morning will be a “Need for Speed” session to get ready for the Super G on Saturday. We’ll be working on the skills used to ski fast, especially skiing the flats, how to transition over the pitch at speed, and how to power the ski through the arc of the turn. This session will be outside the gates
Video of the Week: The USA team demonstrates the importance of flexing ankles and having shin pressure (Americans call it “cuff” pressure) against both boots all the time. Turn up the sound and enjoy. LINK HERE
Sunday’s GS Race, a Recap
No two ways about it, Sunday was an absolute blast! The buzz around the Club was palpable, with nervous energy making way for smiles (even behind masks), and greetings from old friends and (friendly) foes. At the top of the racecourse, athletes – for lack of another word – gathered and discussed strategy, which for most was preservation rather than speed. Even with many declaring how rusty they were and telling their fisherman’s stories about how long it had been since they last raced, there were some exceptional performances!
With the low bibs starting off, Number 1, in our hearts, and on our course, Cynthia Waite led us out of the gate, skiing a respectable 53 second time. Leslie Sims (38.45) and Alan Shaw (39.58), both skied great races to get them into some major points, and David Staples (36.85) started his GDHL career with a top 30 finish.
Others with great GDHL debuts include Tom Murdison (34.74/5th), Harrison Simms Brown (34.99/7th), Noah Levine (35.08/8th), Spencer McCool (35.29/11th), Brent Addison (36.18/20th), Riley Webb (36.51/25th), Andrew Ottaway (37.12/29th), and Madison Staples (37.26/30th) … there may be a great Father Daughter rivalry in the making here. The full results are on the GDHL website here.
Some suspect that a few racers claiming to have not been in gates in years and decades have actually been summering in Chile, skiing the Andes and getting training in with the European powerhouses. Looking at you, Simms Brown brothers!
The top three overall were Ben Williams (32.68/1st), Taylor Simms Brown (33.41/2nd), and Duff Isberg, (33.89/3rd). Honorable mention to Cam Bellamy (34.06/4th), who narrowly missed out on his first podium of his GDHL career.
On the women’s side, Megan Peterson (34.96/1st), Katie Farrow (35.12/2nd), and Brianna Machej (36.48/3rd), rounded out a competitive podium. There will be a very intense battle for the top three women this year!
For future races, please wear your armband! It identifies you to your teammates and is a great way to show GDHL spirit. After all, we try to make this a team sport. If you have loved ones eagerly awaiting your results, they can track online too. Here is a link to the live timing site.
GDHL Maniacs braving the blizzard at the beginning of run 2
Fantasy GDHL
Your Fantasy GDHL teams have been tallied and the system is currently being booted up. We use space age magic to make this system work, so it takes time to warm up… Results should be ready for next week’s newsletter. Also, as we speed up turnarounds from races to results, you will find the updated results on the GDHL Fantasy page here. Good luck to all who submitted teams!
There it is, hopefully the only newsletter you receive from GDHL this week! Good luck to everyone racing this weekend, stay healthy and stay warm!