A lot is going on, and we had a fantastic race last weekend. This week we have two guest contributors. First is our Chair, Brook Dyson, and then second is a new writer to our team, Paul Peterson aka @paultheskiracer on instagram. Enjoy the read below!
Note from GDHL Chair Brook Dyson:
Thanks to the Craigleith race staff, Coyotes, and the GDHL committee for putting on an amazing race down National (and lower Big John) on Saturday. If you raced down that exciting track on Saturday, know that you're one of the few in Craigleith history to ever do so. Hopefully there are more races down National to come!
A big thank you to all racers that helped take down netting after the race. The beer sure tastes better after a race and a little sweat.
If you enjoyed Saturday's Super G down National, please pass along your positive feedback to our GM (Jeff.Courtemanche@craigleith.com) and James Mathers (president@craigleith.com). Your feedback helps us work with the club to schedule events like this.
Jackets will be available for pickup and sizing on Saturday morning and afternoon in the base lodge area. Keep an eye out for any GDHL committee members not waiting in a bar lineup.
We will also try and have jackets available on Sunday.
Stay tuned to the GDHL Instagram account for updates.
Schedule Update:
Friday Night Lights Part 2 Slalom - 6pm - Little John
Open to all Craigleith members 18+
Please wear your GDHL bibs. This is a fun race. No GDHL points awarded.
Après to follow!
For the most up to date schedule, head on over to https://gdhl.org/schedule
Dual Slalom has been moved to Saturday, February 18th, in the afternoon.
Originally scheduled for Sunday the 19th, this is being moved to accommodate the informal members meeting.
This is the Saturday of Family Day
Club Championships are Saturday, March 4th,
GDHL End of Year Banquet is Saturday, March 4th.
Dave Raymond contemplates his choice to strip down to his downhill suit ahead of his first run.
Super G - From the Eyes of Paully P
Saturdays super G down National was easily the most highly anticipated race of the season. I spotted several celebrities including John Tory (jr), Jeff Courtemanche and at least 5 people with the last name Farrow who were all part of the capacity crowd in attendance. They were all there to see if Benny Williams could return to glory and knock Magic Mike Welton off the top step of the podium for the first time this year. Benny looked poised, calm and confident as he laid down an incredible, winning 2nd run that the ladies in the bar will be talking about for weeks.
Gorgeous Gordie Bruce took home the 2nd spot as he too laid down a lightning fast 2nd run, knocking Magic Mike down to 3rd place.
Meg Ryley took top spot in the ladies race once again and it appears her rumoured policy of “no sex at all during the race season” seems to be paying off nicely for her.
Katie Farrow who is on the podium every week finished in 2nd place and freshly engaged Madison Staples grabbed the 3rd spot although unfortunately her father David was away at another male modelling shoot and wasn’t there to witness it. Mother Catherine was there representing the family, ringing the cowbell and downing a fireball shot every time a racer came down who beat her soon to be son-in-law Blair Mcdougall so she was feeling good after the race!
There are 3 things every Craigleith member wants to know:
How did Tambro get the contract for the Project Generations job?
How does Al Lachance still ski like a young gazelle after all these years?
Does a race suit really make a big difference in GDHL racing??
Well I am hear to answer one of those questions today. Yes, a race suit makes a big difference and we have hard evidence to prove it. Shelly “speed demon” Spivak finished her first run in a time of 45.75 (well behind Paul the ski racer for those tracking at home). For her 2nd run she changed into a race suit (signed and previously worn in 1997 by Kate Veer) and although she skied what felt like the exact same quality run, her time was only 43.72. Over 2 seconds faster and putting her well ahead of the rest of us stuck in the not so desirable “shoddy group” and easily the top member of the acclaimed Tequila aficionados crew.
The “Shoddy Group” stands proud atop the National Super G course on Saturday
Brayden Irwin showcased a tight race suit (and a mediocre bulge) and he finished 35th overall! Many spots ahead of his usual placing and he was spotted hanging in the bar at the après with all the cool, fast racers while the rest of us looked on from a distance with jealousy.
David Singh wore a race suit and came 66th overall. David was about to be named Mayor of the "shoddy group" and now he’s moving up in the racing world after that great result!
More honourable mentions:
Steve Cryer, who started ski racing this year at the age of 50 finished a nice tidy 49th and I think will be a great addition to the Craigleith Interclub squad in the not-so-distant future.
Greg Cavers returned to racing after a big injury that required multiple surgeries (thumb, wrist, penis reduction etc.) and skied in his words “conservatively” to a solid 15th place finish. The caveman can truly do it all.
Eddie “the eagle” Barnicke with a very impressive 36th place, making Libby very proud (and jealous) of her cousin.
Dave Robinson skied with a very smart strategy of skiing just slow enough that GDHL photographer Robert Vitols could get several action shots of Dave coming around the gate, each pic in crystal clear, high definition... Rumours are swirling however about some private coaching tips Dave has received that may catapult him into the top 120 this weekend!
Aaron Maybin, father of future Craigleith legend Myles Maybin showed what a $2000 pair of custom ski boots can do with a nice 27th overall finish
Ray “the missile” Murakami flew back from Bahamas just in time for a fantastic race and kept his win streak alive as he was once again the top Japanese racer in GDHL.
Stomping Tom Murdison with a 5th overall finish which I believe is his best result ever in his young GDHL career.
Family Ties:
Lauren Liberty beat her sister Megan (anyone else just find out they aren’t actually twins??) for the first time this year and I imagine was the talk of the Mintz crew dinner table that night.
Brook Dyson once again took down Pete in the Dyson brother dual
Carrie Grinter looked extremely nervous after placing a mere 6 spots ahead of brother in law Ed, will have to keep an eye on this matchup down the road.
Paul Peterson finished 51 spots behind his wife which sounds bad until you realize that Andrea Mclorie was 75 full spots behind husband Scott and takes the award for biggest gap between couples.
Petey Popalis showed he has more than just a great name and beat brother Brandon quite handily.
I don’t know which of the Bruce boys are brothers or cousins but they can all ski very well. You’d be more likely to find a soggy Craigger sandwich for under $10 before you’ll find Gordie, Fraser or Robbie Bruce finishing outside the top 30 in any race. Lets not forget the former King of Scotland D. Robert the Bruce who I don’t believe is related but did make Frances proud with a 45th place finish.
Great job by all racers!
From Glenn Blaylock, Head Coach, Adult Race ProgramsCraigleith Adult Racers: Drop in Friday Training
Date: Friday, February 10th
Time: 9:30 to 11:30 am / 12:30 to 2:30
Hill: Birches:
Discipline: Giant Slalom
Equipment: GS skis, forearm guards and hard-shell helmet.
Coaches: Glenn Blaylock and Greg Roe
Register On-Line by Thursday.
Thank you for slipping the hill after your last run through the course.
Coaches Tip: Carving
Our Coaching Tips this season have reflected the Norwegian method of skiing which has been adopted by Alpine Canada. We have focused on why World Cup skiers focus on perfecting drills especially the Javelin Drill, the importance of the athletic body stance, edge angle, ankle flexion, the inside leg, The Line, and the high tuck position.
The Coaching Tip this week focuses on how to carve. Ankle flexion is used to start the turn by applying pressure to the big toe of the new outside foot and rolling the new outside ski on edge. The stacked leg then “stands against” the outside ski resisting the forces pressing against the foot causing the ski to bend, arc and accelerate or carve. There is no pushing action as this will release the energy in the ski and shorten the length of the carving action of the ski.
The upper body needs to be level to prevent leaning away from the outside ski. This action will cause the body to “Separate”. It is critical the Separation occurs with the Thoracic Spine, separating at the upper part of the Sternum. This action will stack the whole body from the head through the core and down the stacked outside leg to the foot standing against the outside ski. The amount of Separation will increase as pressure is applied to the new outside ski until the body is fully standing against the outside ski usually at the apex of the turn. To feel where to separate at the Sternum, place your hands mid way down your rib cage opposite where your heart is located. Lower one elbow then the other and you will feel how the Thoracic spine can tip side to side or “Separate” using skiing jargon. When Separating at the Thoracic spine you will notice the core muscles engage to keep the body stacked over the outside ski. (Important: Separation does not occur at the hips or waist as this movement breaks the stacking of the body against the outside ski).
Watch how Eric Kristoffersen of the Norwegian Alpine team stacks his body and outside leg and keeps his shoulders level while winning a World Cup Giant Slalom.
We will see you on the hill this weekend!
-Paul, Brook, Doug